Patient Info

New Patient Forms

Patient Info Form

Fill out this form prior to your first consultation exam.

Dentist Referral Form

Have your dentist fill out this form prior to your first consultation exam.

What to expect during your first consultation exam

Your first exam will consist of a thorough examination with possible x-rays and impressions. We will use this information to construct your treatment plan.

Please bring the following to your first visit:

  • Patient Information form

  • Dentist Referral Form

  • Dental insurance info

  • List of medications

  • Most recent x-rays, if available

Cancellation Policy

In consideration for your fellow patients, we ask that you provide at least two business days of notice if you cannot keep your appointment.

A missed appointment fee may be assessed for last minute cancellations.

Insurance information

We will file your insurance claims for you. We will also provide any additional information or x-rays your insurance company requires to process your dental claim.

After we receive payment from the insurance company, we will send you a bill for an unpaid remaining balance. If your deposited co-payment exceeds that unpaid balance, you’ll receive a refund.

Ultimately, all fees incurred are your responsibility, regardless of your insurance benefits.